Saturday, September 09, 2006

Found another long lost friend!

We meet people every day. Some become friends and some really good friends. But finally we just part ways and go out on our set path.

Memories stay – they fade away and what remains are just the ones that really had touched us or made some significant difference to us.

So when I joined Orkut and connected with some people who I haven’t spoken to/heard from for the last 10 years … it brought in a flood of mixed emotions.

People have changed but not necessarily grown up…some just refused to budge from their teen mindset.

Priorities have changed…friendship which we use to swear by, heartaches which would never ease, now seen so distant even to the extent that I can dissociate myself from it and view it on a 70 mm.

Equations have changed. Ms Snobity Snob is just all too keen to network with me cause I am in the same fields as she is and she wants to make contacts.

This whole concept of online communities – at one level is a great leveler. But, we customize profiles to attract the kind of people we want to connect with – so how long will this last? If everything is so make belief - who will trust it? I guess if u have to actually make people come back to your site/blog time and again, you just have to be plain TRUTHFUL. One can see through the fallacy if one scans through all the gamut of online social/networking community accounts like Orkut, LinkedIn, Ryze, Yahoo! 360°, Blogs, Yahoo/Google Groups, Alumni Forums. Specialty communities like Flickr for pictures, Froggle for Shopping, Youtube for Video blogging etc.

I know this can be scary, to be so exposed. I shared this concern with my mentor and what he said made a lot of sense – ‘but it (Being ourselves – depicting exactly how we are ) also makes us bolder and more transparent. More we disclose about ourselves, more we learn’.

So, here I am – the way I am. No pretense no bullshitting.

By the way, one more community I added myself to today is Msn Spaces and guess whom did I fid there? Think that should be another story….

The jar full of stories! When there is a story to tell It just overwhelms my heart, Like an unruly mo...