Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just another Sparrow or the Phoenix?

I was checking out the latest in the crowded space of 'social networking' - Soapbox on Msn Video. Being Microsoft - wasn't surprised to catch up some spoofs on Apple products! Check the one the new iPod avatar, the iPod Flea!
Video: iPod Flea

For sure, saw lots of promo of Zune - named 'The iPod Killer'! Seriously, not expecting much from Zune but at least this video completely \../s

Video: Zune

But then iPod will nor give up so easy, from New & Improved versions to making iTunes more social!

A new software program called iLike is being launched which will integrates with your iTunes and studies your entire music library and your listening -- not buying -- habits before suggesting related songs. It shows you what your friends are currently listening to and sets up a Web site where your music tastes are organized for others to see, encouraging social networking according to your music compatibility with other users.
Many Web sites and services, including Rhapsody and Pandora, offer suggestions of related music, but iLike is focused on matching your tastes with those of other users, and showing what these friends are playing.

So, as the battle unfolds - let us just sit back and enjoy all the goodies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for Zume, let us see if it is significatly different.


The jar full of stories! When there is a story to tell It just overwhelms my heart, Like an unruly mo...